Male and Female Hair Loss Anxiety

Sometimes referred to as pattern baldness, hair loss anxiety and the crowning glory moment impacts nearly 35% of men in their 40's and 50's. Worldwide, there are roughly 80 million men and women suffering from hair loss anxiety.
The human body renews, and therefore loses a few dozen hairs daily. But significant numbers of people suffer with heavy loss at least once in their life.
There may be various reason behind this; like medication, chemotherapy, exposure to radiations and certain chemicals, nutritional and hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, skin disease or stress, etc.
In many cases loss of hair can be temporary but in certain cases it may be permanent depending on the symptoms.
Realistically, there are at present no cures for the crowning glory. However, there are many hair loss products on the market purporting to cure hair loss or thinning hair. Some products such as wigs, toupees are used merely to cover up and hair colour is often used to disguise greying hair.
Because anxiety is an emotional event for most men, much time and money is spent searching for a solution in the form of hair loss medications, cover-ups, and transplants. A lot of other hair loss treatments do not have scientific proof or a benchmark for their claims.
Loss of hair, particularly in men should generally be regarded as a course of nature, it should not be construed as some form of disease.
Nevertheless, purely for vanity's sake, in the pursuit of restoring confidence, youth and charisma, many men choose to use prescription medications as a cure. Chemically induced medications are known to often block the impact of male hormones that directly cause loss of hair. There may be some relief, but beware of some significant side effects specially at the intimate level. Besides, any treatments will become a lifelong commitment adding anything up to $100 for a regular monthly fix.
In extreme cases, men are known to opt for surgery that can be expensive. Besides, surgery actually does very little to eliminate the underlying reasons of hair loss. You can, no doubt, eventually expect the transplanted hair to fall-out too, possibly adding to your Hair loss anxiety even more.
In conclusion, one has to seriously consider if you are wasting your money on prescriptions, procedures, and "magic products" that can be messy, dangerous, and down-right no-cures and importantly, lack guarantees. After all, remember "I haven't been this bald since... well... since I was born!"
Male and female loss of hair is a complex process.
Hormones in our bodies need to be balanced in order to keep our body and hair healthy. One of the more important hormones is Testosterone. While it is generally considered a male hormone, both men and women need it to grow and heal bones and muscles.
Enzymes in our bodies are actually catalysts that modify and optimize hormones.
There is no overnight cure for loss of hair, and as a consequence any anxiety.
Marketing claims of "perceived" results is not the same as actually achieved results! Most products will only build your hopes up, unless you are one of the lucky few (maybe 2%) who successfully recover hair growth.
Bottom line - do not let yourself get exploited, out of sheer desperation.
Causes of hair loss:
  • Hair loss due to pregnancy occurs because of numerous hormonal changes. Generally temporary and usually corrects itself within 6 months. This occurs because of diverse hormonal changes that take place within the body during pregnancy.
Birth control pills
  • Birth control pills, if taken at much younger ages can encounter hair loss.

  • Family history pointing to hair loss is a good enough reason to consult a doctor before taking any birth control pills. This type of hair loss can be temporary but in some cases, it could be permanent
A good balanced diet rich in varied variety of nutrients is equally important to your hair health. If your hair can be pulled out by the root very easily, then this may be due to lack of a well balanced diet. This condition can be prevented by eating a diet rich in proteins and other necessary nutrients.
Low iron
  • This may cause hair problems. Women during a menstrual cycle are more prone to be iron deficient.
However, hair loss anxiety problems can be temporary and can be resolved by taking good nutritious diets and vitamin supplements.
After all, remember "I haven't been this bald since... well... since I was born!"
Sarcasm aside, do acquaint yourself with the importance of acid/alkaline optimisation in your diet for renewed vigour, energy, goos health and more...
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