5 Scalp Conditions That May Cause Hair Loss

There are many factors that can cause hair loss in both men and women. Aside from genetic factors, hair loss can also be due to various hair and scalp conditions. Below are the five most common scalp problems that may cause hair to thin out.
Seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea is an inflammatory condition that can affect the face, chest, and scalp. It causes red, itchy skin that can become sore because of constant scratching. It is also characterized by persistent dandruff, seen as yellow or white flakes on the scalp and hair. Seborrhea can be controlled with proper hygiene, use of antifungal agents, and topical steroids. However, it has a tendency to recur. With chronic seborrheic dermatitis, the scalp and follicles can be damaged, leading to hair loss.
Folliculitis, on the other hand, is inflammation of the hair follicles. This occurs when the follicles become infected with bacteria. The symptoms are small white spots, rashes, pustules, or small pimples around the hair follicle. Antibiotics or antifungal medications help control the infection. Folliculitis is usually responsive to treatment but reinfection can also occur. In severe infections, permanent hair loss ca happen because of scarring of the scalp.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that usually runs in families. This skin disease causes itchy and sore patches or thick silvery scales on the skin. When it is found on the scalp, it can cause hair loss. The reason behind the condition is the rapid buildup of cells on the surface of the skin. Cortisone creams can improve symptoms but there is really no cure for psoriasis. It is a persistent skin condition and the symptoms can improve, go into remission, or worsen. Scalp psoriasis is more difficult to manage because of the presence of hair, making application of topical mediations or creams difficult to apply. Nisim shampoo was found to be effective for psoriasis and other itchy skin and scalp disorders.
Tinea capitis is another scalp condition that can cause hair loss. This is a fungal infection that has a tendency to affect hair shafts and hair follicles. It presents as scaly lesion and patches of hair loss that can progress to deep abscesses. Treatment depends on the species of fungus concerned and the degree of inflammation. This includes selenium sulfide shampoo, antifungal medications such as ketoconazole, and in some cases, oral medications.
Lichen planus of the scalp or lichen planopilaris can cause permanent scarring alopecia. This is due to inflammation of the affected hair follicles. The exact cause for lichen planus is not known but it is found to be an immunologically mediated condition. Currently, there are no specific treatments for the condition. Medicines that are being used include steroids, retinoids, immunosuppresants, and UV therapy.
Although all of the above scalp conditions can cause temporary to permanent hair loss, early treatment can prevent permanent baldness.
Michael Sean Scott writes about health and medical issues to help others understand the overly technical world of medicine. Click here to find out more about hair loss and hair loss treatment solutions.

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