Causes Of Hair Loss And Baldness

A person can suffer from baldness or hair loss for a wide variety of reasons. One of the most common causes of hair loss is genetics. Some people are more inclined to lose their hair than others. Another reason for the loss of hair is hormonal changes. For example, some women lose their hair during pregnancy. This problem usually subsides after the birth of the baby.
Some people suffer from baldness or loss of hair because of certain drugs and medication. Chemotherapy can cause a person to lose hair very rapidly. Several medications for mental conditions may also cause a loss of hair.

Stress is a huge factor in the loss of hair. Stress changes the chemicals in the brain, which can change the hormones and aid in hair loss. It is important for both men and women to stay as calm as possible so they do not suffer from stress induced hair loss.

A large amount of people will suffer from loss of hair due to a vitamin deficiency. The body needs certain vitamins to keep hair healthy and vibrant. Without these special vitamins and minerals, a person's body will not function properly, and will therefore not grow hair properly.

Vitamin Deficiency and Balding
Iron is a very important element for a person's well-being and energy levels. A person with a low iron level will suffer from lethargy and depression. Additionally, low iron causes baldness and loss of hair. In order to get one's iron to an acceptable level, he or she may have to take an iron supplement.
Vitamin B is an essential vitamin for hair growth and energy. The two most common B vitamins are B6 and B12. Anyone can boost his or her B vitamin levels by eating foods that are rich in them or taking a supplement.
Folic acid is something that doctors recommend for pregnant patients to consume to aid the baby's development. However, folic acid is also important for healthy hair and cell growth. It can also prevent anemia.

A zinc deficiency can cause baldness and loss of hair. Studies have shown that taking a zinc supplement can aid in hair growth. It can also slow down the process of greying in people over 30 years old.
Hair loss and balding can have many different causes. However, a person should first look at the possibility of a vitamin deficiency that needs a supplement.
More information can be found on thus subject at -
Vitamin and Supplement A to Z
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