Foods For Healthy Hair and Preventing Hair Loss

Every day we are surrounding by media promising us the latest products to revamp our style, and give us that A list hair that we so desperately crave. There are new products coming out all the time with new and improved formulae to help improve split ends and increase shine, but what most people don't realise is that one of the easiest ways to improve the health of the hair and prevent hair loss is by altering their diet, implementing certain foods to feed not only the body, but the follicles too.
Obviously, the diet isn't the most important factor to healthy hair, and certain vitamin supplements and minerals do make noticeable differences, however a diet deficient in certain food types is also positively correlated to unhealthy, weak, brittle hair.
The health of the scalp can greatly benefit from omega-3 fatty acids. Those found in fish, in fact salmon especially, will cause great advantages to the health of the scalp. Salmon is a brilliant source of protein, stopping the dry and dull look a dry scalp can give. The fatty acids from omega-3 nourish the scalp and provide sebum to the hair follicles. Another way that this can be done through the diet is by implementing dark green vegetables such as brussel sprouts, spinach and broccoli regularly. These vegetables have a high amount of vitamin A and C, which are key ingredients in sebum production. This makes them ideal for benefitting the hair, as well as being a great source of iron and calcium.
Another vegetable that help to look after the hair are beans - kidney beans and lentils are two of the main types of bean that will benefit the hair. Kidney beans and lentils supply a high level of protein, iron, biotin and zinc to the body and hair. Studies have shown that a lack of biotin in the diet can lead to brittle hair.
When it comes to snacks that can help the life of the hair, nuts are always the best choice. To name the best, Brazil nuts have been found to be the best way to naturally supply selenium to the hair - this is a mineral that is vital in the life of the scalp. Walnuts also contain very important acids that help to condition the hair. Pecan and cashew nuts as well as almonds are also very good sources of the vital mineral zinc.

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